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Julian's Window
Holding space for shared contemplative experience and inquiry in the spirit of Julian of Norwich. Julian was a mystic and writer whose life and work spanned the 14th and 15th centuries, and she is a foundational presence within the rich spiritual heritage of Norwich.
Chants for Life
A group are meeting monthly in the beautiful setting of St Helen's Church in Bishopgate for contemplative singing.
Basking in the resonance of devotional songs and chants from different traditions.
Dropping into the stillpoint within through guided meditation and shared intentional silence.
Drinking in words of mystical wisdom drawn from poetry and sacred texts.
Relishing the ambience of this ancient and sacred space.
The gatherings have an eclectic and emergent flavour, as we seek to honour both Matter and Spirit. We draw on earth spirituality and both Christian and non-Christian sources, while holding space for each of us to attune to our own unique process of humanly-spiritual emergence.
The space is held by Liz Day, with support. Click on the events below for more details.