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Creative Conversations
We've been hosting some Creative Conversations on the themes of Collapse and Emergence and Reimagining Power Together, and we've been providing support for Norfolk Grief Tending workshops. We're now in the process of planning the next programme.
We've been gathering together to hear from some of the innovators in our midst, to amplify and make visible what is unfolding within and among us, and to foster collaborations. Here's a taster of some of what we've been up to:
An evening viewing of the inspirational film The Biggest Little Farm.
A session with local author Mick Collins, considering the possibility that "Planetary Collapse" could also be an initiation of sorts (you can download the audio from this evening here).
A day with trainer and coach Simon McKibbin on "Transformative Community". Here are two guided meditations and reflections that were offered at that event.
A workshop on the Way of Council - an opportunity to experience and practice this Circle way of compassionate communication in community.
A talking circle and visioning workshop on the theme of Collapse and Emergence.
Two Grief Tenders Enrichment days, offering inspiration and a space to dream for facilitators and supporters of the work of Norfolk Grief Tending.
A workshop on "Doing it Differently" looking at Sociocracy and other approaches to making decisions together and becoming more effective in our ways of being, doing and creating.
The overall idea is to bring online the wisdom of the circle, taking inspiration from those who are bringing gifts and tuning in to what we are all sensing and knowing. It's a simple invitation to come and talk, to listen, and to share what's real for you in your life.
We want to find a place of action arising from connection, and to facilitate the joining up of projects and collaborations. There's also value, we're sensing, in simply being together, in the puzzlement and wonder of what it is to be human in these times.